Our Story of Providing Low-Income Medical Services in Suffolk County, NY.
Discover the core values that drive us at LISH.
As a non-profit organization under section 501 (c ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Long Island Select Healthcare, Inc. (LISH) serves over 6,000 patients at eight strategic locations who need affordable healthcare and uninsured primary care services in Suffolk County, NY. We are a 16-specialty Article 28 Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) and NYS Article 16 Rehabilitation Clinic. In 2017, LISH provided low income medical services in Suffolk County, NY during more than 70,000 visits at 8 sites located within the area.
Core Values

In 2014, the clinics of three Long Island Human Services agencies: Developmental Disabilities Institute (DDI), Family Residences and Essential Enterprises (FREE), and United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Suffolk Inc. (UCP), formed Long Island Select Healthcare, Inc. (LISH).
Our first day of operations providing low income medical services in Long Island, NY and the surrounding area as Long Island Select Healthcare, Inc. was on August 22, 2016.
Long Island Select Healthcare provides services to all of those who are in need of medical services, regardless of their ability to pay or if they need uninsured primary care services in Long Island, NY. The uninsured are charged for services on a board-approved program for sliding scale health services in Long Island, NY and Suffolk County, NY, which is based on a patient’s family income and size and we are also financed through a mix of Medicaid and Medicare. A large portion of our 6,000 patients served include Intellectual/Developmentally Disabled (ID/D) individuals, we provide primary, behavioral health, dental, specialty services and OT/PT/speech therapy within our organization. We are a Patient Centered Medical Home that places focus not only on what our patients’ medical needs are but focus on the whole patient experience, seeking what barriers our patients may face that may negatively impact their outcomes. Through screenings such as PRAPARE, we will work with patients and assist with any linkage to resources that they may need to support their overall well-being.

FTCA Deemed Organization – This health center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C 233 (g)-(n). Therefore, Long Island Select Healthcare, Inc. (LISH) is granted medical malpractice liability protection through the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), and its employees are considered Federal employees with the Federal Government acting as their primary insurer.